Sunday, February 11, 2018

Wk 24 Feb 11th - 15th

Thank you so much for reading our weekly news. It was a great week where we had the opportunity to see many families at our Math Night and  at the ES picnic. We know that it is hard sometimes to step away from work to attend all of these events, so we truly appreciate when you can make it and so does your child.
In CAC we are promoting Growth Mindset, and in first grade it looks like: students making mistakes and learning from them, students having productive struggle to develop perseverance and flexible thinking. Please support us at home with encouraging your child by praising the effort and the journey, more so than the result.

From the Curriculum Corner

Readers Workshop

Essential Questions:

- What reading strategies ca we use to make sure our reading looks right, sounds right and makes sense?
- What can readers do to make sure they understand what they have read?

Last week's work was focused on tools to figure out tricky words. This week our first grade readers will tie that work with making sure that they are not just reading, but understanding the words that they read. They will review and put in practice visualization to really get into their books, and make a movie in their minds of what's happening. Students will also be practicing a strategy that is often times missed because we are in such a hurry of finishing a book - stopping and rereading for many reasons: to find meaning, to make sure that it makes sense, to understand confusing parts, and/or to think what's next? to understand more.

Readers trying everything they know to figure out tricky words, and helping their partners

Writers Workshop

Essential Question:

- How can I use writing to share my opinion?

Our persuasive writers will be practicing everything they have learned so far about review writing such as: planning reviews using strategies from narrative and information writing, taking their audience into account when writing, and making comparisons in book reviews. Students will also learn how to write sneak peek summaries instead of spilling the beans, and we will practice using conjunctions.

Writers discussing their writing checklist with partners and planning

Writers working in teams to put together review anthologies


Essential Question:

- What are efficient ways to count?
- How does counting by tens and ones help you count larger numbers?
- What is place value?
- How does a digit's position affect it's place value?
- How can numbers be expressed and compared?
- In what way can numbers be composed and decomposed?

This week our first grade mathematicians will use their understanding of place value to compare numbers, and add or subtract tens from a multiple of 10. They will be using all the strategies that they're learned so far such as: drawing quick tens and ones, using number bonds to mentally add or subtracting 10, and using arrow notation to as a strategy for solving problems or to express their understanding. Students will end up the week by practicing using counting on and the make ten strategy when adding across a ten.
About mid week, students will be taking the Mid-module assessment for this unit and teachers will be providing feedback on their strengths and things they need to work on. The purpose of this is that they reflect on their learning and set goals for themselves for the days and weeks ahead.

Parent Tips Topic C

Parent Tips Topic D

Having fun with Math while we learn hands on!

Social Studies

Essential Question: 

-How do families grow and change over time?

In Social Studies, first graders will be talking about schools and how they have changed and developed over time. Students will be prompted to notice differences, expressing wonders, asking and answering questions about schools from the past and present. We will also share personal experiences about schools that we have attended in other countries. For students, Social Studies is a time to think, wonder, notice, discuss and make connections, and it would be very valuable if you can share your experience for your child. If you do, make sure to have conversations with them about the differences and similarities that you find.


1C Over the next few weeks 1C will be looking at emotional awareness during our circles. We will be discussing our feelings and how they change. We will learn what emotions are for and the ability to recognize and name our feelings.

1M  To continue our work on emotional awareness, this week we will practice to identify feelings that are tied to situations, and how to express them.

1S  This week we will be focusing on belonging, students will learn about what character traits they can display in class and at home to help themselves, and others, belong in their group of friends or family.

How To Raise Happy Kids – 10 Steps Backed By Science


Important Dates to Remember:

February 13th: First Grade field trip
February 18th: 1M Music Informance 11:30 - 12:10 in the music room (Parents are invited)
February 19th: 1C Music Informance 11:30 - 12:10 in the music room (Parents are invited)
February 20th: 1M assembly
February 21st: 1S Music Informance 11:30 - 12:10 in the music room (Parents are invited)
February 22nd: Lego Celebration for students
February 22nd: ASA session 2 ends

If you have any other questions or concerns about this week, please don't hesitate to contact your classroom teacher.

Your Partners in Learning,

Taryn Carr (
Gaby Morales (
Charlie Saunders (

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