Sunday, May 27, 2018

Wk 38 May 27th - 31st.

Thank you for taking the time to read our weekly news. It is hard to believe that this is the last full week of school; we will make the most out of it! Thank you to all the parents that came to our Student Led Conferences last week. Our students did an amazing job displaying all the growth that they have had in their journey through first grade. They were all very proud, as it is the result of hard work and they have been reflecting on it for the past couple of weeks. They are lucky to have such supportive parents like you, and we are sure that you enjoyed listening to them talk about it.

First Graders practicing SLC with partners

Proud students sharing their work!

Image result for dr seussBooks, Books, Books

Dear parents, we are counting on your support to help us collect back all the books that our avid readers have taken home. Whether they are library books, guided reading books, Classroom library books, independent reading books....we need them all back :). Please take this week to look around your house and send them all back in their take-home folder.
Thank you!!

Big Splash Day (Tuesday 29th) - Last House event!

Please have students come to school wearing their swimsuit under their clothes (house shirt) and appropriate shoes for the pool. Students are to leave their backpacks in their assigned assembly spot where their teachers will meet them. Classes will walk to the pool at 7:50, so please help us ensure that students begin their day with a smile by having them be by the ramp at 7:50 at the latest. If they come in late, please have them leave their backpack by the assembly spot before they come to the pool. Students should only bring their pool bags and a change of clothes if they wish to change.

From the Curriculum Corner

Reading Workshop: Read About Science Topics

The Essential Questions are:
1) How can I learn about Science through reading?
2) How do different texts help me get information about the same topic?
3) How can I become an expert about a Science topic?

This week we will continue to learn from non fiction books. They will be using information they already know to connect to the new information that they are learning. They will stop and jot wonders, questions, main ideas and contradictions; and they will raise important questions about the books they are reading.

Writing Workshop: Writing About Science

The Essential Question is: How can I write like a scientist to inform my reader?

This week our students will continue to write their Science book about "Matter". They will learn that teaching books can include: how-to, persuasive, and narrative writing; and that they can add this to the chapters in their books. First grade Science writers will also work on adding non fiction features such as headings, glossaries and table of contents. By the end of this book, they will have an edited, revised book ready to be published!

Math: Place Value, Comparison, Plus and Minus to 100

The Essential Questions are:
1) How does counting by tens and ones help you count larger numbers?
2) What is place value?
3) How does a digit's position affect it's value?
4) How can numbers be expressed and compared?
5) In what ways can numbers be composed and decomposed?

This week we will continue to review what we have learned in this unit, and we will practice our fluency through games and Math challenges.

Playing games to practice and improve fluency and other Math concepts learned this year!

Science: Matter Manipulations - Solids and Liquids

The Essential Question is: How and why do scientists change matter?

This week we will finish our unit on Matter, and we will take the time to reflect on all the exciting things that we have learned during this unit. To start that reflection, we will ask ourselves the big question Why do scientists change matter?, and we will have discussions in groups and with partners.

We made Flubber!!!
No hot lunch last week of school. Last day for hot lunch is May 31st.
Please arrange a packed lunch from home on the days required.

Lost and Found

Part of educating students at CAC is encouraging independence through increasing responsible behaviors. We constantly encourage students to label their items so that they are easily identified and returned back to the owner. It is also important that students know what to do when they lose any of their items.

Here is what we advise students to do when they report a lost item:

1- Look everywhere (lost & found table/class/playground/inside backpacks/home ,etc,...)
2- Ask Others (friends/teachers/parents/siblings,etc,..)
3-Ask parents to report to the lost and found link. Upper grade students can do this too.
4- Use the same link to report when item is found.

In order to support our students and community members with the above process, we created the below Lost and Found link to help us track of lost and found items.

Attendance Information:

If you would like to check your child’s detailed attendance report, please follow steps below:

Login to > you will be taken to your dashboard

click on the skyward icon on your skyward

on your family access click on Attendance you will see your child’s total attendance for the year.

Attendance codes:

T- Tardy                              H- Half day A- Absent

10 T is counted as 1 absent day

2 H  is counted as 1 absent day

Students absent on ERD ( early release day when students are dismissed at 11:30 ) is counted as 1 A

Arrival after 10:00 a.m. is considered a half-day absence.

Leaving school before 1:00 p.m. is considered a half-day absence.

Early departures between 1:00-3:00 p.m. will be recorded and treated in the same manner as our tardy policy.

More information about the Attendance Policy can be found in the handbook link available on the CAC website: > Learning > Elementary School >Elementary Handbook

Click here for the handbook link : Elementary Handbook

Important dates

May 22nd. - Last library class - no library class this week
May 29th - Last house event - Big Splash day
May 29th - Summer book checkout starts
May 31st. -  Last day for hot lunch
June 3rd.- Grade 5 moving on celebration assembly
June 3rd. - First Grade end of year party 12:30 - 1:15 parents are welcome to attend
June 5th. - End of year assembly 10:30 in the ES hall
June 5th. - Last day of school. Students dismissed at 11:30

If you have any other questions or concerns about this week, please don't hesitate to contact your classroom teacher.

Your Partners in Learning,

Taryn Carr (
Gaby Morales (
Charlie Saunders (

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Wk 37 May 20th - 24th

Dear parents, we appreciate the time that you take to read our weekly blog. We had a very reflective week, where all students had a chance to think about their growth as a learner in all areas, and they all got to identify their areas of strength and things they need to work on. We spent a good time of the week practicing for our conferences this Monday, we are all looking forward to seeing you here!
As we entered Ramadan last weekend, we ask that you please inform your classroom teacher if your child will be fasting so we can make any necessary arrangements to make sure they are comfortable. It is helpful to know if they fast for the whole or part of the day at school, and also if they are fasting food and water or just one.
Thank you


The conferences are approximately one hour and we will have about four conferences taking place at the same time in your classrooms/specialist area.
  • Wafers and juice will be delivered to homeroom classes as a treat after students have finished their conference.
  • Conference can be conducted in the student’s choice of language
Conference times:

Session 1: 8:15 - 9:15
Session 2: 9:30 - 10:30
Session 3: 11:00 - 12:00
Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00
Session 4: 1:00 - 2:00

Locations for conferences:

  • Classrooms for homeroom
  • Art Show on the ground floor corridors and in the art room
  • Music in music room, opposite multi-purpose room
  • PE in ES hall
  • Drama in drama room
  • Arabic and Egypt Culture in their classes
  • Library open
  • CACN broadcasting room will be open for live parent recordings as we would love to get parents feedback on our student led conference day
May 21 is not a regular school day, as students will come in for their conference only. We hope all parents can attend and we look forward to a positive day celebrating growth.  

  • Express positive interest and anticipation about the upcoming conference.
  • Be on time. 
  • Listen and respond to the student (not the teacher).
  • Express pride in growth and progress.
  • Ask questions (see below for samples).
  • Be positive, offering to help in areas where improvement is needed.
  • Recognize that students need to develop independence in communicating progress – the teacher will be there to facilitate and answer specific questions but will not take charge of the conference. 
  • Can you explain this to me?
  • How did you come up with this idea?
  • How have you grown in this area?
  • How can you improve in this area?
  • How can we help you at home?
  • What was important to you about this?
  • If you could do this work over again, how would you change it?
  • What future goals do you have as a student?

From the Curriculum Corner

Reading Workshop: Reading About Science Topics

The Essential Questions are:
1) How can I learn about Science through reading?
2) How do different texts help me to get information about the same topic?
3) How can I become and expert about a Science topic?

This week our First grade readers will be working with their partners sharing, asking questions, stating their opinion and defending it with evidence from the book. They will also look for contradictions and similarities in the texts they are reading, and they will have discussions with their partners.

Reflecting about our Reading

Writing Workshop: Writing about Science

The Essential Question is: How can I write like a scientist to inform my reader?

This week our First Grade writers will start to write their last book of the year. They will sum up everything they have learned during our Science unit: Matter; and they will use all the skills they have learned during Writer's Workshop. They will review the fact that teaching books can include narrative, how to and persuasive writing and they will begin to plan chapters in their book about Matter.

A book about Matter by a First Grader

Reflecting about our writing

Math: Place Value, Comparison, Plus and Minus to 100

The Essential Questions are:

1) What are efficient ways to count?
2) How does counting by tens and ones help you count larger numbers?
3) What is place value?
4) How does a digit's position affect it's value?
5) How can numbers be expressed and compared?
6) In what ways can numbers be composed and decomposed?

This week our mathematicians will be culminating this unit by practicing problems where they will comparing bigger or small unknown numbers, and they will be having discussions with partners. During these discussions, students will share strategies and give feedback to each other about the strategies used by each one.

Student writing after having a reflective discussion with teacher

Science: Matter Manipulations - Solids and Liquids

The Essential Question is: How and why do scientists change matter?

This week our first grade scientists will investigate another fun way of changing matter by mixing solids and liquids together. After other experiments that involved mixing and dissolving, students will  generate questions and generate hypothesis about what will happen to the ingredients that we will use: cold and hot water, glue, food coloring, and borax. Would it become a solution, a solid, would it stay a liquid? why is matter changing that way? We can't wait to get started with this experiment! 

Making Oobleck!

Circle Solutions

1C This week will be our last session of Circle Solutions. We will be revising the core values and continuing to reflect on our strengths and weaknesses. We will be playing community building games and enjoying our first grade friends.

1M This will be our last week of Circle Solutions activities since next week we will be signing an autograph book for our friends during this time. For this last session we will brainstorm 1 or 2 strengths of each and everybody in our class that will help us remember our good First Grade friends. 

1S This will be our last week of Circle Solutions. During this time we will be working on revisiting all the Core Values and talk about how important each value is to shaping us into students who are always learning and reflecting. Students will have opportunities to share when they have displayed each of these values this year and also recognize friends who have displayed these core values in the classroom and out in the playground.

Skyward online payment for food services open

We are pleased to announce our Skyward online hot lunch payment system will be open for Kindergarten-Grade 5 students from Sunday, May 13. Parents can pay into your family account for the hot lunch commencing via the CAC cashier’s office in our welcome center. For this week only (May 13 - May 17), the cashier's hours will be before 10:00 am and after 2:00 pm. Minimum payment of 500 LE per student is required.
This new system will give parents and students a more convenient way for their elementary child’s hot lunch.

Making payment is straightforward and offers you the freedom to pay CAC’s cashier in our welcome centre whenever you are on campus or send the money via your child and the class/grade aide will pay on your behalf and send the receipt to you. Your Skyward secure online food service tab is part of your Skyward account and the link can be found on your parent dashboard. This system will support if you have more than one child in our division as each child has a personalized bracelet which will register who, when and cost of each hot lunch purchased. Parents can view this on their Skyward account. Please see this link for a quick tutorial.

If a student orders hot lunch and the family account does not have funds, the meal will be given to the student and the parent will receive an automated email informing them. Also, when the amount drops to 300 LE the email will request the replenishment of the student’s account balance. At the end of the year, if the family account is overdrawn and you have a debit balance, the report card will be held until cleared. If there is a surplus it will be rolled over the following year for returning students, grade five and departing students will be notified by elementary school office and the refund can be collected from the cashier’s office.
From the student side their class/grade aide will hand out the bracelets to students having hot lunch and collect them after lunch. The food vendor will scan the bracelet and return to the student.

38 LE meal card & 45 LE Combo meal/ juice cards are acceptable in lieu of cash for your child’s meal until May 31 which is our last day for hot lunches. Please hand them to the cashier and receive a payment receipt.

Who do I see if I have a problem?
If you have feedback, questions regarding the Skyward online payment system please contact our technology office, Mr. Fadi Duweni, email:, Ph: 2755-5495

If you have feedback, questions regarding the payment please contact CAC’s cashier Reda Ibrahim, email:, Ph: 2755-551

If you have feedback, questions regarding the use of the bracelet or general please contact Mrs. Jackson-Jin, email:, elementary office: 2755-5222

ES Yearbook 2017-2018 Pre-Sales

To our cashier, Mr. Reda in the Welcome Center.

May 13th till May 31st for L.E. 580 ($33)
After May 31st, price increases to L.E. 650 ($37)
Please note that for this week only (May 13 - May 17),
the cashier will only be available before 10:00 am and after 2:00 pm.

21st Century Libraries for Parents: CAC Overdrive and ebook collections

Join us on May 23 at the MHS to access the CAC ebook collections.
We have lots of options, and of all of them, Overdrive is our prize collection.
Overdrive is an app that allows you to read ebooks and listen to audiobooks offline, and choose
from hundreds of titles in our digital collection.We will offer this session twice, at 8:15 am and at 2 pm.
Both times will be at the MHS library. Please download the Overdrive app before the workshop. It is available for free at all the app stores.
You will need your CAC single sign on to access the CAC digital collection.

Important dates to remember

No ASA's for students this week. Last day was May 17th.

May 21st. - Student Led Conferences - no school for students
May 22nd. - Last library class - all books are due today
May 27th - Summer book checkout starts
May 29th - Big Splash day

If you have any other questions or concerns about this week, please don't hesitate to contact your classroom teacher.

Your Partners in Learning,

Taryn Carr (
Gaby Morales (
Charlie Saunders (

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Wk 36 May 13th - 17th

Dear parents, thank you for taking the time to read our weekly news. Can you believe it? we just have two more full weeks of school, a half week of pure celebrations and on to second grade! We are all very proud of all the progress that our students are showing, and the next couple of weeks will include a lot of reflection on learning, goals and finishing up the year strong!


Our counselor is preparing Ma'aSalama groups for those students that are leaving CAC this year. If you know that your child is not coming back next year to CAC please let your child's teacher know as soon as possible, so that he/she is included in the Ma'aSalama celebration.

From the Curriculum Corner


The conferences are approximately one hour and we will have about four conferences taking place at the same time in your classrooms/specialist area.
  • Wafers and juice will be delivered to homeroom classes as a treat after students have finished their conference.
  • Conference can be conducted in the student’s choice of language
Conference times:

Session 1: 8:15 - 9:15
Session 2: 9:30 - 10:30
Session 3: 11:00 - 12:00
Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00
Session 4: 1:00 - 2:00

Locations for conferences:

  • Classrooms for homeroom
  • Art Show on the ground floor corridors and in the art room
  • Music in music room, opposite multi-purpose room
  • PE in ES hall
  • Drama in drama room
  • Arabic and Egypt Culture in their classes
  • Library open
  • CACN broadcasting room will be open for live parent recordings as we would love to get parents feedback on our student led conference day
May 21 is not a regular school day, as students will come in for their conference only. We hope all parents can attend and we look forward to a positive day celebrating growth.  

  • Express positive interest and anticipation about the upcoming conference.
  • Be on time. 
  • Listen and respond to the student (not the teacher).
  • Express pride in growth and progress.
  • Ask questions (see below for samples).
  • Be positive, offering to help in areas where improvement is needed.
  • Recognize that students need to develop independence in communicating progress – the teacher will be there to facilitate and answer specific questions but will not take charge of the conference. 
  • Can you explain this to me?
  • How did you come up with this idea?
  • How have you grown in this area?
  • How can you improve in this area?
  • How can we help you at home?
  • What was important to you about this?
  • If you could do this work over again, how would you change it?
  • What future goals do you have as a student?

READING WORKSHOP:  Reflecting and setting goals as readers.
This will be a reflective week for our readers as we will be reflecting on what they need to focus on to be ready for second grade. During this time, teachers will confer with students to assist them with these goals which they will then write down to present during their conference on Monday.

WRITING WORKSHOP: Reflecting and setting goals as authors.
Just as in reading workshop, our first graders will receive feedback on their on-demand assessments, and they will reflect on their strengths and the things they can work on the most. They will continue to practice their writing skills, as they will spend this time to write goals for all subjects

MATH: Reflecting and setting goals as mathematicians.
Just as in reading and writing, our first grade mathematicians will use the feedback that they will receive from their assessments and they will reflect on the skills that they need to work the most. They will continue to practice their math and writing skills, as they will spend this time to write goals and creating word problems of their own.

Reading Workshop: Reading About Science Topics

The Essential Questions are:
1) How can I learn about Science through reading?
2) How do different texts help me to get information about the same topic?
3) How can I become and expert about a Science topic?

This week, first grade Science readers will continue to work with their partners. They will be having purposeful discussions about the books that they read, by taking turns in sharing what they have learned, and asking and answering questions. Readers will also be comparing and contrasting information from non fiction books on the same topic. They will be looking at things that are the same or different in those books, and having discussions with their partners.

Partners sharing their stop and jots about Non Fiction books

Writing Workshop: Writing about Science

The Essential Question is: How can I write like a scientist to inform my reader?

This week our Science writers will finish editing and revising the experiment that they planned and conducted last week with their partners. They will make sure that they recorded it step by step, that they included important details and vocabulary that they have learned so far in this unit. Students will also spend some time this week, getting ready for the student led conferences on May 21st. They will be reflecting, writing goals and practicing with their partners.

Partners planning their experiment

Ready to get started
Partners setting up experiment

Conducting their experiment

Math: Place Value, Comparison, Plus and Minus to 100

The Essential Questions are:

1) What are efficient ways to count?
2) How does counting by tens and ones help you count larger numbers?
3) What is place value?
4) How does a digit's position affect it's value?
5) How can numbers be expressed and compared?
6) In what ways can numbers be composed and decomposed?

Our first grade mathematicians will begin the week by taking the mid-module assessment for this unit. This assessment is important, as it will demonstrate all the strategies that they have learned so far. The rest of the week will be spent in feedback, reflections and setting goals.

Science: Matter Manipulations - Solids and Liquids

The Essential Question is: How and why do scientists change matter?

As we continue learning about matter we will focus on the essential question, how and why scientists change matter? Students will continue to learn how to use the scientific method, questioning, making a hypothesis, observing and writing results and a conclusion. This week our first grade scientists will be asking themselves if matter can be both solid and liquid? They will be mixing water, with corn starch and food coloring and generating hypothesis about what will happen?

Emergency Drills - Hardened Shelter Drill

Throughout the year, we do talk to students about what to do in case of fire, or intruder, with the subject matter and terminology adjusted for the grade level. The safety and security of our students is our highest priority, and through preparations in advance, we can ensure that students and staff know what to do in the case of an emergency. Next week we will have our first hardened shelter drill Sunday 13, 11am. Parents, if you are in school please follow faculty to the designated areas. The ES moves into the ES Hall.

Skyward online payment for food services open

We are pleased to announce our Skyward online hot lunch payment system will be open for Kindergarten-Grade 5 students from Sunday, May 13. Parents can pay into your family account for the hot lunch commencing via the CAC cashier’s office in our welcome center. For this week only (May 13 - May 17), the cashier's hours will be before 10:00 am and after 2:00 pm. Minimum payment of 500 LE per student is required.

This new system will give parents and students a more convenient way for their elementary child’s hot lunch.

Making payment is straightforward and offers you the freedom to pay CAC’s cashier in our welcome centre whenever you are on campus or send the money via your child and the class/grade aide will pay on your behalf and send the receipt to you. Your Skyward secure online food service tab is part of your Skyward account and the link can be found on your parent dashboard. This system will support if you have more than one child in our division as each child has a personalized bracelet which will register who, when and cost of each hot lunch purchased. Parents can view this on their Skyward account. Please see this link for a quick tutorial.

If a student orders hot lunch and the family account does not have funds, the meal will be given to the student and the parent will receive an automated email informing them. Also, when the amount drops to 300 LE the email will request the replenishment of the student’s account balance. At the end of the year, if the family account is overdrawn and you have a debit balance, the report card will be held until cleared. If there is a surplus it will be rolled over the following year for returning students, grade five and departing students will be notified by elementary school office and the refund can be collected from the cashier’s office.
From the student side their class/grade aide will hand out the bracelets to students having hot lunch and collect them after lunch. The food vendor will scan the bracelet and return to the student.

38 LE meal card & 45 LE Combo meal/ juice cards are acceptable in lieu of cash for your child’s meal until May 31 which is our last day for hot lunches. Please hand them to the cashier and receive a payment receipt.

Who do I see if I have a problem?
If you have feedback, questions regarding the Skyward online payment system please contact our technology office, Mr. Fadi Duweni, email:, Ph: 2755-5495

If you have feedback, questions regarding the payment please contact CAC’s cashier Reda Ibrahim, email:, Ph: 2755-551

If you have feedback, questions regarding the use of the bracelet or general please contact Mrs. Jackson-Jin, email:, elementary office: 2755-5222

Parent questions so far?

What if my child uses their bracelet to buy a friend’s lunch? Your child will only be permitted to scan for their own lunch and the bracelet.

What if I don’t want my child to buy juice with lunch? We can add it as an alert for the vendor on the system, but please understand that it comes by practice and vendor may miss this sometimes initially.

ES Yearbook 2017-2018 Pre-Sales

To our cashier, Mr. Reda in the Welcome Center.

May 13th till May 31st for L.E. 580 ($33)
After May 31st, price increases to L.E. 650 ($37)
Please note that for this week only (May 13 - May 17),
the cashier will only be available before 10:00 am and after 2:00 pm.

21st Century Libraries for Parents: CAC Overdrive and ebook collections
  ES Yearbook 2017-2018 Pre-Sales To our cashier, Mr. Reda in the Welcome Center. May 13th till May 31st for L.E. 580 ($33) After May 31st, price increases to L.E. 650 ($37) Please note that for this week only (May 13 - May 17), the cashier will only be available before
10:00 am and after 2:00 pm.
21st Century Libraries for Parents: CAC Overdrive and ebook collections Join us on May 23 at the MHS to access the CAC ebook collections.
We have lots of options, and of all of them, Overdrive is our prize collection.
Overdrive is an app that allows you to read ebooks and listen to audiobooks offline, and choose
from hundreds of titles in our digital collection.We will offer this session twice, at 8:15 am and at 2 pm.
Both times will be at the MHS library. Please download the Overdrive app before the workshop. It is available for free at all the app stores.
You will need your CAC single sign on to access the CAC digital collection.

Circle Solutions

1C This week students will be involved in activities about strengths, dreams and values. We will be reflecting on what we are good at and setting goals. Students will acknowledge and develop the positive in themselves for now and the future.

1M This week in 1M we will be working on revisiting all the Core Values and talk about perseverance, creativity, integrity, and courage. We will also talk about what it means to reflect to make goals to have a growth mindset.

1S This week in 1S we will continue to focus on empathy and friendship. We will talk more about different situations that can happen both inside and outside the classroom that can cause frustration and how to handle these situations in an empathetic and compassionate way. Students will have more opportunity to think about how their actions affect others.

Important dates to remember

May 15th -   Last day for check out in the library
May 17th. -  After School Activities session 3 ends
May 21st. - Student Led Conferences - no school for students
May 22nd. - Last library class - all books are due today
May 29th - Summer book checkout starts
May 29th - Big Splash

If you have any other questions or concerns about this week, please don't hesitate to contact your classroom teacher.

Your Partners in Learning,

Taryn Carr (
Gaby Morales (
Charlie Saunders (