Monday, April 30, 2018

Week 34 April 29th - May 3rd

Thank you so much for reading our weekly news. We are looking forward to another great week of learning with the Grade One students. This week will be a four day week due to Labor Day on Tuesday, May 1st.

From the Curriculum Corner:

READING WORKSHOP: Read About Science Topics
The Essential Questions are:

1) How can I learn about science through reading?
2) How do different texts help me get information about the same topic?
3) How can I become an expert about a science topic?

This week we will continue to learn from non fiction books. The students are enjoying learning from a variety of different information books and sharing their understandings with their reading partner. Students continue to look for main ideas and ask questions to deepen their understanding.

WRITING WORKSHOP: Science Informational Writing

The Essential Question is:
1) How can I write like a scientist to inform my reader?

This week students will learn to how to record information using labels, captions, sketches, and precise scientific language. They will learn how to add details and to elaborate on sketches already drawn. Student will learn to use the scientific method to write up 'lab reports. They will write using a step by step process giving clear and precise language for their readers to follow.

MATHPlace Value, Comparison, Plus and Minus to 100

The essential questions for our mathematicians in this unit are:
-What are efficient ways to count?
- How does counting by tens and ones help you count larger numbers?      
- What is place value?
- How does a digit's position affect it's value?
- How can numbers be expressed and compared?
- In what ways can numbers be composed and decomposed?

This week students will begin to use vertical alignment to add two-digit numbers. Students will also continue on from last week and add a pair of 2 digit numbers when the ones digit has a sum less than or equal to 10. Students will use drawings to add a pair of 2-digit numbers, when the ones sum is greater than 10. We will align the drawing vertical and record the sum below. Students will be introduced to the model of using the place value chart with a vertical alignment to add these numbers, recording the new ten below. This week students will be encouraged to solve their problems by using quick ten drawings, as well as the standard algorithm. Lastly students will add a pair of two-digit numbers with varied sums in the ones and compare the results of different recording methods. 

Topic D  Please click on the link for parent tips for  Module 6 Topic D


Matter Manipulations: Solids and Liquids

Essential Questions:
1) How and why do scientists change matter?

As we continue learning about matter we will focus on the essential question, how and why scientists change matter? Students will continue to learn how to use the scientific method, questioning, making a hypothesis, observing and writing results and a conclusion. 

Experiment 5 : This week students will learn about mixing and dissolving. They will investigate what makes something dissolve and discuss reasons why when another liquid is added to another liquid it does dissolve or doesn't dissolve.
Students will complete the following experiments to further investigate what happens during the process of dissolving and mixing:

Investigating mixing and dissolving
Ask for predictions - Will the matter change? Why/Why not?
1. Students will add oil and water together and predict will the matter change? Why/Why not?
2. Students will add powdered food coloring and water together and predict will the matter change? Why/Why not?
3. Students will add powered paint and water together and predict will the matter change? Why/Why not?

Students will learn about the following language this week: mix, dissolve, mixture, and solution.


1C This week students will discuss friendship and cooperation. We will think about the qualities that we seek in friends and the skills involved in being a good friend. As a group we will also begin to think about responsible and ethical behavior and being aware or how our decisions affect others.

1M  This week we will have our last session on working collaboratively in teams to problem solve. Prior to starting the activity, we will talk about what are some of the things that could go wrong when trying to collaborate, and after they do the activity we will share things that they notices went well . 

1S This week students will continue to recognize and manage feelings that arise in the classroom and in the playground. Students will enjoy role playing different situations that can happen inside and outside the classroom and then practice the different ways to communicate these feelings so that they are effective to not only themselves but the people around them. 

ES Talent Show This Monday!

Tickets are on sale in Ms. Dolly's Room before school and during lunch/recess
Sunday, April 29th is the mandatory rehearsal for all ES Talent Show Participants from 3:15 - 5:15 in the CAC Theatre. Students may choose to go to their ASA first, then join us for the rehearsal.

For students wishing to attend the ES Talent Show, it begins at 5:30, on April 30th. They must be supervised/accompanied by a family member or authorized adult until 5:30.
The ES Talent Show team is working and responsible for the ES Talent Show participants in the Theatre on both days beginning from 3:15.

Bus Riders on April 29th and April 30th.
Ms. Ereeny has given our Motor Pool Manager all the ES Talent Show participant names. They know those students will not be on the buses both Sunday, April 29th, and April 30th.
If you are not an ES Talent Show participant but will remain on campus with a family member, on April 30th - the family must email Mr. Mohamed El Ghalban (Motor Pool Manager) at, so he is aware they will not be on the bus.

The Talent Show will be for ALL ACTS beginning at 5:30 - 7:30 on April 30th. The Show will end by 8pm. ALL ACTS must come to the Theatre at 5pm, performance ready.

ES Talent Show
April 30th, 2018
Tickets - 30LE per seat
Performances: 5:30-6:15
Intermission: 6:15-6:30
Performances: 6:30-7:15
The show ends at 8:00 pm

Thank you for your continued support. Please contact Ms. Dolly for any further clarifications or questions. ES Talent Show Team

End of year dates for students from the library

May 8-10 Used book sale
May 15 Last day for check out
May 22 Last day for classes; All books are due
May 29 Summer check out starts

Used Book Sale, May 8 to 10

We are getting ready for our annual used book sale, this year from May 8 to 10. We welcome donations of used books for all ages in saleable condition. This is a good time for departing families to dispose of books before packing. We will soon have a donation box at the front gate.

Important Dates to Remember:
April 30th   - ES talent show in the theatre
May 1st - Labor day - No School
May 8th - 10th - Used Book Sale

If you have any other questions or concerns about this week, please don't hesitate to contact your classroom teacher.

Your Partners in Learning,

Taryn Carr (
Gaby Morales (
Charlie Saunders (

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Week 33: April 22nd - April 26th

Thank you so much for reading our weekly news. Here are a few photos from the Egypt Festival on April 19th. Thank you to our Egypt culture teachers who worked so hard to make the day fun and enjoyable for everyone. Also thank you to all the parents that were in attendance to our Writing Celebration, it was wonderful to see our proud students introducing themselves as authors, and sharing their hard work with you.

From the Curriculum Corner:
READING WORKSHOP: Read About Science Topics

The Essential Questions are:
1) How can I learn about science through reading?
2) How do different texts help me get information about the same topic?
3) How can I become an expert about a science topic?

This week the students will understand that their books come in 'parts' and that each 'part' teaches the reader new information. Students will learn how to summarize what they have just read in their books to a partner using the sentence stem "so what this means is..." at the end of each part in their science books. Students will use their post its to jot down the main idea(s) from each sections in their book. They will also learn to use headings and subheadings to guide and understand the importance of what they are reading.


This week in Writers Workshop our writers will have an opportunity to show us what they have learnt during each genre of writing this year. Please make sure your child has a healthy breakfast and a good nights sleep for each day next week.

MATHPlace Value, Comparison, Plus and Minus to 100

The essential questions for our mathematicians in this unit are:
-What are efficient ways to count?
- How does counting by tens and ones help you count larger numbers?
- What is place value?
- How does a digit's position affect it's value?
- How can numbers be expressed and compared?
- In what ways can numbers be composed and decomposed?

This week students will represent up to 120 objects with a written numeral. They will add and subtract multiples of 10 from multiples of 10 to 100, including dimes. Students will add a multiple of 10 to any 2 digit number within 100 and add a pair of 2 digit numbers when the ones digit has a sum less than or equal to 10. 

Please click on the link for parent tips for Parent tips Module 6 topic B
Please click on the link for parent tips for Module 6 Topic C

SCIENCE: Matter Manipulations: Solids and Liquids

Essential Questions:
1) How and why do scientists change matter?

As we continue learning about matter we will focus on the essential question, how and why scientists change matter?  Students will continue to learn how to use the scientific method, questioning, making a hypothesis, observing and writing results and a conclusion. 
This week students will do a series of small experiments to observe a reaction and think about how the ingredients have changed and weather the states of matter have changed. Students will review their science journal notes so far and the new science vocabulary we have learnt. They will discuss what they have learnt so far with a fellow class scientist.

Our Mini experiments will include: 
1. Juicing a fruit and freezing the juice.
2. Cutting fruit open and waiting a few days to notice weight gain or loss.
3. Water being frozen into different containers.
4. The process of ice melting.
5. Melting chocolate to discuss conservation of weight.

Students will measure before and after weights and predict  weather they think the weight will change? Why/Why not?

This week students will build on their science vocabulary with the words: weigh, freeze, heat, and melt.


1C This week 1C will be discussing courage. How can we show courage to do the right thing even when others are not?

1M  This week in 1M we will continue to work on collaboration and we will repeat the team activity about making one alphabet letter with our bodies by working together, since last week not all students had a chance to do it due lack of time. Students really enjoyed working together and taking roles to solve problems.

1S This week students will revisit how to recognize and manage feelings that arise in the classroom and in the playground. Students will role play different situations that can happen and then practice the different ways to communicate these feelings so that they are effective to not only themselves but the people around them. 

Important Notice:

ES Dismissal: Important message to ES parents

We had two students who left campus without parental permission with a nanny. We have taken steps to ensure this does not happen again and ask for your cooperation in following our handbook guidelines for all Elementary students PreK to Grade 5. Our handbook states, that any change in the usual pattern of dismissal for your child at the end of the school day should be verified by a note or email from the parent or guardian to the classroom teacher. We have added that we need to receive this information before 12 p.m. which will give us the time to make sure all necessary personnel is informed before 2:30 p.m. each day. We appreciate CAC’s security as they have increased vigilance in making sure our students go home safely and with the person/s permitted. Ms. Samah will continue to be at the dismissal gate from 3:00 and Ms. Nadia from 4:00 for our after school activity dismissal time.

How to give permission? Write to the classroom teacher informing the dismissal plan change. Name the person you are giving permission to and the date/s.
In the case of a change in driver or nanny, full names and photos are needed.

What will happen if no permission has been given?If we do not have a written record of a change in dismissal, security will not let the student leave campus. The student will be sent to the office. To avoid disappointment, please make sure to arrange the change in dismissal plans ahead of time.

Our student's safety is a school/home priority and we thank you for your understanding, support and welcome your feedback.

Talent Show Updates:

Our ES Talent Show date has been moved to April 30th. We are supporting our wonderful PTO with this change of date. Thank you all for your flexibility.

Please find below important dates and information regarding this year’s ES Talent Show:

April 15th and 16th Acts will perform for the ES Talent Show team. They will come during their lunch/recess time to the Drama Room. Any Act that is not performance-ready will not participate in this year’s Talent Show.
Sunday, April 29th is the mandatory rehearsal in the CAC Theatre from 3:15 - 5:15. All students must have a way to go home; the late bus service is not available. Students will be dismissed from the CAC Theatre at 5:15.
All Choir students will attend the Choir rehearsal on Sunday, April 29th, then come directly to the CAC Theatre for the remainder of the rehearsal.

The Talent Show will be for ALL ACTS beginning at 5:30 - 7:30 on April 30th. The Show will end by 8pm. ALL ACTS must come to the Theatre at 5pm, performance ready.

ES Talent Show
April 30th, 2018

Tickets - 30LE per seat

Performances: 5:30-6:15
Intermission: 6:15-6:30
Performances: 6:30-7:15
Show ends 7:30pm.
Thank you for your continued support. Please contact Ms. Dolly for any further clarifications or questions.

ES Talent Show Team

Used Book Sale:

We are getting ready for our annual used book sale, this year from May 8th - 10th. We welcome donations of used books for all ages in salable condition. This is a good time for departing families to dispose of books before packing. We will soon have a donation box at the front gate.

End of year dates for students from the library
May 8-10 Used book sale
May 15 Last day for check out
May 22 Last day for classes; All books are due
May 29 Summer check out starts

PE Swimming Notice:

On Sunday, April 29th/18 students in KG - Grade 5 will begin swimming in PE in their 1 hour lesson, each week, for the remainder of the school year. Could you please ensure that your child is fully prepared for swimming by making sure that they come to school with the following:

PE uniform - Swimming
For swimming each child should have, in a separate swim bag:
An appropriate swimsuit
OWN pair of properly fitted goggled (not shared with siblings)
Suitably sized towel
Long hair tied back off the face or a swim cap (girls and boys)
No jewelry, including rubber and string bands and watches
Easy to take on and off clothes and shoes (crocs are ideal)

As a reminder each classes swimming days are:
Sunday - 5J, 3H, 1C and 2R
Monday - 5G, 3C, 1S and 4D
Tuesday - KGC, KGB and 4M
Wednesday - 3W, 5K, 2K and 4F
Thursday - 1M, 5O, KGS, 3D and 2S

Students will need to wear their full PE uniform in all 30 minute classes for the remainder of the year, including shorts, t-shirt, and sneakers.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your support,

Mr. Phil Greene -
Mr. Mark Mayfield -
ES PE Department

Important Dates to Remember:
April 22nd - Race to Clean the Air
April 30th - ES Talent Show 5:30pm in theater.
May 1st - Labor Day Holiday
May 8th - 10th - Used Book Sale

If you have any other questions or concerns about this week, please don't hesitate to contact your classroom teacher.

Your Partners in Learning,

Taryn Carr (
Gaby Morales (
Charlie Saunders (

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Week 32: April 15th - April 19th

Thank you so much for reading our weekly news. We have another fun filled week ahead of learning, reading and writing celebrations and enjoying our hour host country, Egypt with our Egyptian Festival at the end of the week.

From the Curriculum Corner:

READING WORKSHOP: Dramatizing Characters
The Essential Questions Are:

- How do you bring characters to life?
- What is the role of the director?

This week readers will work with their reading partners to have conversations about their characters behaviors in their books. They will discuss patterns of behavior they notice over and over and talk about why this might be so by making inferences based on different parts of the book as evidence. Readers will also have the opportunity to act out different scenes from their books with their partners by becoming their characters and imitating their expressions, sounds, and gestures.

WRITING WORKSHOP - From Scenes to Series: Writing Fiction

The Essential Questions Are:

- How can I use what I have learnt from other authors to help me?
- When I want to tell my story to other people, what steps can I take to revise my first draft to make it better?

This week writers will be preparing for their writing celebration by revising and editing their books they have created within their book series. The students will also have opportunities to create their own author page and comment on what they are most proud of during this unit of work. Our writers are very excited to share with you all their amazing and creative stories on Wednesday during our celebration.

MATH:  Place Value, Comparison, Plus and Minus to 100
The essential questions for our mathematicians in this unit are:

-What are efficient ways to count?
- How does counting by tens and ones help you count larger numbers?
- What is place value?
- How does a digit's position affect it's value?
- How can numbers be expressed and compared?
- In what ways can numbers be composed and decomposed?

This week student will write and interpret two digit numbers to 100 as addition sentences that combine tens and ones. Students will identify 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less than a two digit number within 100. Students will use the symbols <,>, and = to, to compare quantities and numerals to 100. They will count and write numbers to 120 and use hide zero cards to relate numbers 0 to 20, 20 - 100, and 100 to 120.
To end our week students will count to 120 in unit form using only tens and ones. They will represent numbers to 120 as tens and ones on the place value chart.

Please click on the link for parent tips for Module 6 Topic A

Please click on the link for parent tips for Parent tips Module 6 topic B

SCIENCE Matter Manipulations: Solids and Liquids

Last week students in all three classes had fun exploring what would happen when we mixed Mentos with diet coke. Students made predictions before hand about what they would see and many students were accurate with their Here are a couple of pictures of our experiment:

Essential Questions:

1) How and why do scientists change matter?

As we continue learning about matter we will focus on the essential question, how and why scientists change matter? Students will continue to learn how to use the scientific method, questioning, making a hypothesis, observing and writing results and a conclusion. Students will observe a reaction and think about how the ingredients have changed.

Experiment 3 Question : What will happen if we mix baking soda, dish soap, food coloring and vinegar together?


1C Unfortunately this week we miss our Community Circle because of the Egypt Festival on Thursday. In our morning meetings we will begin to discuss our Core Value of the month - COURAGE

1M This week in 1M we will work on collaboration. In a team, we will try to make one alphabet letter with our bodies by working together. This activity promotes collaboration, discussion, problem solving and taking roles.

1S This week students are working on building strong relationships both within the classroom and outside in the playground. Students will have discussions and activities to build on these positive relationships and how to solve problems with positive outcomes for all involved.

Egypt Festival Day: Thursday, April 19th

We are very excited to be celebrating our host country this Thursday, April 19th. We encourage all the students to wear Egyptian styled clothing to immerse themselves into the spirit of the day. Students will have time during the day to buy bread and other items from different vendors. If you would like to be present during this time to help your child buy something then you are more than welcome to come to school at their scheduled 'shopping time' to help them buy something. Otherwise we suggest your child bring to school no more than 50 LE in a sealed and named envelope.

Here is a letter from our EC team:

Dear Parents,

Mark your calendar for our annual Egypt Festival on Thursday, April 19, 2018. Parents are invited to join us as we celebrate our host country, Egypt through music, dancing, food and grade level activities connected to the Egyptian Culture themes.

To add to the spirit of the day we invite you to wear a galabeya or perhaps clothes that reflect Egypt. You can purchase a galabeya on the 17th from 2:00 - 5:00 and on the 18th and 19th from 7:30-5:00 p.m. Our morning assembly will open the festivities for the day in the theatre and you are welcome to join us from 7:55 AM - 8:45 AM.

Our Egyptian lunch is for all elementary students, parents, teachers and staff and will be held during lunch/recess times between 11:00 - 11:30 for PreK, 12:00 - 12:30 for Kg, Grade 1 & 2, 12:30 - 1:00 for Grade 3,4 & 5 in the ES Hall. You will sample a variety of Egyptian dishes including freshly baked baladi bread (from our very own mud brick oven).

The bread will be on sale for PreK - 12 students during their recess. A loaf costs two pounds and last year our students loved the fresh bread for morning snack.

The school will be covering the cost of the lunch and all entertainment. Students have pre paid 40 LE for their grade-level activity at the beginning of the year.

Parents are an important part of our Egypt Festival. We would love you to come and enjoy the Hassaballa morning welcome, opening ceremony, learn crafts from our vendors, the Tanoura closing ceremony, and we would appreciate your support by volunteering at either lunchtime or bread selling. Please sign up to help us if you can.

Parent helpers

We are looking forward to you joining us to celebrate our host country, Egypt and thank you for your support.

Elementary Egyptian Culture/Arabic Team

Our Grade One Schedule for this day is as follows:

7:45 - All students need to be at school ready to walk over to the theatre with their classroom teacher. Please meet at the ramp where students will place their bags.

7:55 - All students need to be seated in the theatre with their teacher. Parents are welcome to attend this opening assembly.

8:45 - 12:00 - normal classes

12:00 - 12:30 - Shared Egyptian lunch in the ES Hall, parents are welcome to attend this.

12:30 - 1:00 - Playtime

1:00 - 1:35 - Egyptian Culture activity, parents are welcome to attend this at the back of the ES building.

1:30 - 1:45 - Recess (Photo booth times: 1M 1:40 - 1:45, 1C 1:50 - 1:55, 1S 2:20 - 2:25)

1:45 - 2:15 Normal Class

2:30 - 3:00 Closing ceremony closing ceremony, parents are welcome to attend.

Times for Parents to come to school to help buy things for each class:
10am - 10:20am 1M will have the opportunity to buy from vendors
10:20am - 10:30am 1M will have the opportunity to buy bread

11:00am - 11:15am 1C and 1S will have the opportunity to buy vendors
11:20am - 11:30am 1C and 1S will have the opportunity to buy bread

Used Book Sale:

We are getting ready for our annual used book sale, this year from May 8th - 10th. We welcome donations of used books for all ages in salable condition. This is a good time for departing families to dispose of books before packing. We will soon have a donation box at the front gate.

Talent Show Updates:

Our ES Talent Show date has been moved to April 30th. We are supporting our wonderful PTO with this change of date. Thank you all for your flexibility.

Please find below important dates and information regarding this year’s ES Talent Show:
  • April 15th and 16th Acts will perform for the ES Talent Show team. They will come during their lunch/recess time to the Drama Room. Any Act that is not performance-ready will not participate in this year’s Talent Show.
  • Sunday, April 29th is the mandatory rehearsal in the CAC Theatre from 3:15 - 5:15. All students must have a way to go home; the late bus service is not available. Students will be dismissed from the CAC Theatre at 5:15.
  • All Choir students will attend the Choir rehearsal on Sunday, April 29th, then come directly to the CAC Theatre for the remainder of the rehearsal.
The Talent Show will be for ALL ACTS beginning at 5:30 - 7:30 on April 30th. The Show will end by 8pm. ALL ACTS must come to the Theatre at 5pm, performance ready.

ES Talent Show
April 30th, 2018

Tickets - 30LE per seat

Performances: 5:30-6:15
Intermission: 6:15-6:30
Performances: 6:30-7:15
Show ends 7:30pm.

Thank you for your continued support. Please contact Ms. Dolly for any further clarifications or questions.

ES Talent Show Team

Important Dates to Remember:

April 18th - Writers celebration in your child's classroom 2:30pm - 3pm

April 19th - Egypt Festival students are encouraged to wear their own Galabeya or other Egyptian clothing.

April 30th - ES Talent Show 5:30pm - 8pm

If you have any other questions or concerns about this week, please don't hesitate to contact your classroom teacher.

Your Partners in Learning,

Taryn Carr (
Gaby Morales (
Charlie Saunders (