Sunday, October 22, 2017

Week 11 - October 22nd. - 26th

Thank you parents for reading this week's First Grade News. We had quite and exciting week with Global Math week activities, visits to our tortoises, journal making in the library and closing up our first Science unit about plants. First grade scientists will continue to care for their garden, and they have plans for what they planted there....stayed tuned!

Visiting our tortoise and learning about them with Mr. Saaid!

From the ES library
21st Century Libraries for Parents: Digital Intelligence
Join us on October 25 for a talk with CAC Information Services Director, Mr. Santha Kumar, We will discuss what it means to be digitally intelligent and how we can promote digital intelligence in our children.
Also check out these pictures of the Diaries that first graders have been working on at the library, they had a blast!



This week our first grade readers continue to work with their partnerships, making them stronger and more efficient, by really practicing being prepared, being good listeners, knowing how to take turns, and using accountable talk for their discussions.

TP15 Readers continue their partnership work by agreeing on a topic, researching it, and talking about it.
TP16 We talk about our books by asking and answering questions about the topic we are reading.
TP17 We work with out partners to compare and contrast books, to research topics, and to have meaningful conversations.


This week, our expert nonfiction writers are up to big jobs:

TP14 Fixing up our writing by pretending to be a reader.
TP15 Writers use all they know to plan for new chapter books.
TP 16 Writers do research, like finding images or photos, to help them say more.
TP 17 Writers learn how to do "editing on the go"


L 1 Solve word problems with 3 addends, two of which make 10.
L 2 Use associative and commutative properties to make 10 with 3 addends.
L 3 & 4 Make ten when 1 addend is 9.
L 5 Compare efficiency of counting on and making 10 when 1 addend is 9.

Parent Tips Topic A (click on this link)

Math is fun, math is hands on, math is working with our partners!!!!


We are very excited about starting Social Studies! Mrs. Jackson-Jin sent all first grade classes a letter, asking us to help her do some research about families at CAC. As researchers, we will begin our journey by brainstorming "What is a family", and what are some differences and similarities between families. We will talk about our own families, and who are part of them.
To continue the conversation, we will need your help. Either by the end of this week, or beginning of next, your child will begin to bring home "Dinner Plate" sheets. Each dinner plate has a focus for a conversation that your child can have at home with you. After the conversation has taken place at home, we ask that they record their findings on the back of the dinner plate, and they return it to school. Recordings can be made with words in the shape of sentences or lists; or with drawings and labels.

Dates to Remember

October 24 - No assembly
October 26 - Halloween Parade 2:30pm (Parents welcome)
October 27 - Halloween Carnival (2pm - 6pm)
October 30 - KG-2 Handwriting / Reading Parent information session.
October 31 - House Event

If you have any questions or feedback for the first grade team please don't hesitate to contact us.

Your Partners in Learning
Taryn Carr (
Gaby Morales (
Charlie Saunders (


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