Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 10 - October 15th - 19th

Dear first grade parents, thank you for taking the time to read our weekly news. It's hard to describe last week after the tragic incident that occurred on Sunday. Please let us know if your children need any support from our counselor to understand the event.
We had a great turn out for our DEAR assembly, it is always fantastic to see students, staff and parents engaging in this fun experience!


Global Math Week

From the 15th to 19th October the CAC elementary school will be celebrating Global Math Week, the world’s biggest community mathematics event. The aim of the event is to unite one million students around the globe in a shared experience of joyful uplifting mathematics. During this week at CAC there will be a number of different mathematical activities going on for students and families to enjoy. These include:

  • During their math class that week, students will participate in the Global Math Week focus activity - Exploding Dots!
  • A Math Trail will be set up around the elementary school grounds. Students and families can complete the tasks during recess or after school and submit their responses each day. At the end of the week a display will showcase the most creative solutions.
  • A Problem of the Day will be posed to challenge our most dedicated mathematicians. Parents are allowed (and encouraged) to help!
  • A Parent Workshop will provide an opportunity for parents to share in the joy and fun of Exploding Dots alongside their children, and will share some tips for keeping the math fun going at home.

The ultimate goal of Global Math Week is to change the way the world sees math. We want to help our students appreciate math as joyful, relevant, meaningful and creative. Join us in celebrating the wonder of math!

From the ES library
21st Century Libraries for Parents: Digital Intelligence

Join us on October 25 for a talk with CAC Information Services Director, Mr. Santha Kumar, We will discuss what it means to be digitally intelligent and how we can promote digital intelligence in our children.



This week, our first grade readers will learn:

Teaching Point 10 - Readers pause to reflect and envision information they are reading, by making a movie in their minds.
Teaching Point 11 - Readers use a multitude of strategies to figure out tricky or unfamiliar words.
Teaching Point 12 - Readers don't just figure out how to read a word, good readers also figure out what the word means by rereading, looking at the picture, or looking at the glossary.
Teaching Point 13 - Readers work with their partners to research topics together, by comparing and contrasting books.
Teaching Point 14 - Partners come ready to work with all their materials. They also know how to take turns to listen, how to discuss and give feedback.
Reader stopping, jotting and thinking about her jots


This week, our first grade nonfiction writers will learn:

Teaching Point 9 - Writers add tables of contents to their books.
Teaching Point 10 - Planning and writing nonfiction chapter books.
Teaching Point 11 - Writers add details and help readers understand by using comparisons.
Teaching Point 12 - Nonfiction writers can use different types of writing in their teaching books, like how-to, stories, and persuasive writing.
Teaching Point 13 - Learning to write introductions and conclusions.
First grade writers revise their books using revision strips

A masterpiece in progress!!!


Our first grade mathematicians will

Lesson 35 - Relate subtraction facts using fives and doubles.
Lesson 36 - Relate subtraction facts using partners to ten.
Lesson 37 - Relate subtraction from 9 using what we've learned.
Lesson 38 - Using reasoning, structure and the subtraction chart to solve subtraction problems.

Need help learning the language of the lessons to help your child with their homework? Don't forget to check our parent's tip sheet:

Parent Tips Topic I

Parent tips Topic J

We are excited about math this week! we are already starting to take risks and trying to solve the problem of the day, of trying the challenge problems!

Mathematicians at work!!


This will be the last week of our Plant units for our first grade scientists. They will review all the information that they have learned so far about a plant's life cycle, and parts of the plant; and they will conduct some research with their partners, using their Science library. To close up the unit, they will conduct observations and recordings. Between this week and the following, first grade classes will also visit their tortoise and they will learn about their habitat and habits.

1C met the first grade tortoise, Speedy

October 17 - Global Math Week parent workshop (8:30 - 9:30) in the first floor common room.
October 26 - Halloween Parade 2:30pm (Parents welcome)
October 27 - Halloween Carnival (2pm - 6pm)

If you have any questions or feedback for the first grade team please don't hesitate to contact us.

Your Partners in Learning
Taryn Carr (
Gaby Morales (
Charlie Saunders (


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