Sunday, August 27, 2017

Week 3

Thank you for taking the time to read this week's first grade blog. Last week we had a full week of learning and the students are beginning to understand and feel more comfortable with routines and expectations in first grade. We enjoyed our first ES assembly on Tuesday and it was wonderful to see so many of our parents at Back to School night.
ES Assembly


This week during readers workshop students will continue to build stamina and learn to be independent while they are learning how to be great readers.
Teaching Point 5 - Readers reread. We reread to notice details in the pictures and words we might not have noticed the first time. We reread to practice reading in our best story telling voice. We reread to give us a chance to focus more on what's happening in the pictures.
Teaching Point 6 - Even the best readers get distracted. Students will think about ideas and learn strategies to practice to help them get straight back to their reading.
Teaching Point 7 - Readers can work with their reading partners. Read and enjoy a book together and help each other with tricky words.


This week during writers workshop we will continue learning how to write small moment stories.
Teaching Point 3 - Students will learn that a writer's job is never done. Writers finish a piece and then go back and revise by adding more. Writers think about Who? Where? When? What? and How? and make sure they answer these questions in their stories.
Teaching Point 4 - When writers want to write tricky words they've got to work hard to hear and write all the sounds. Writers say the word while they slide their finger slowly accross the page, listening for all the sounds.
Teaching Point 5 - Writers write about teeny tiny seed stories instead of writing about big (watermelon) topics. Inside a watermelon topic their are hundreds of tiny seed stories waiting to be written.

Writing folders

Please could you send a collection of photos or magazine pictures of places your child has visited over the summer. The students will be using these pictures to decorate their writing folders.
The pictures will also help students think of ideas to write about during our first writing unit. If you are unable to print them at home, please email them to your classroom teacher so that we can print them for you.
s-l500.jpg      photo.JPG


In this module students make significant progress towards fluency with addition and subtraction of numbers to 10 as they are presented with opportunities intended to advance them from counting all to counting on, which leads many students then to decomposing and composing addends and total amounts.
This week: 
Lesson 6 & 7 - Students will learn to represent put together situations with number bonds. Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 8 and 9, and generate all expressions for each total. 
Lesson 8: Students will represent all the number pairs of 10 as number bonds from a given scenario, and generate all expressions equal to 10.

Parent Tips for topic B


Mathletics passwords were given out at Back to School Night. 
This is a great way for your child to do extra math practice of concepts students are learning at school. It is also a fun way for your child to practice math fluency and compete against friends and others around the world.
Please read the Mathletics letter for parents for more information.


Last week we started our science unit with a walk around CAC. We brainstormed ideas about how we could make CAC more beautiful. Our first grade students came up with some wonderful ideas. 
A popular idea was planting more flowers. So in first grade we've decided to learn about plants before we start our own planting. We recorded what we already knew about plants and started looking in books for some more information about plants.

Sharing what we know about plants.

What do we need to know about plants?
This week we will continue a science experiment to investigate what plants need.
We will observe three plants and record our results.
1) A plant with water and light
2) A plant with water but no light
3) A plant with light but no water
Students will continue to learn about plants from books, videos and expert gardeners.

Home Learning

This week students will be bringing home reading books each day in their folders. It is their responsibility to change their book each morning. If you notice the same book coming home two days in a row please remind your child to change their book.

Math homework will be coming home on Wednesday and needs to be returned to school the following Tuesday. Encourage your child to complete this independently if possible.




Students, faculty & staff are invited to draw, paint, sew, or image their self portrait on a banner provided by school. Our self portrait banners will be displayed around our division to celebrate each of us and our school community.

The fabric will be sent home on Monday and we look forward to seeing your creative designs! Please be sure to put your name on your banner and enjoy working on these at home. We ask that the banners are submitted to your class teacher by Tuesday, September 5.

Counseling Corner

Dear CAC Parents,

Welcome to the new school year!  This year I am fortunate in that I will be meeting with your child’s class once a week.  The first few weeks will be dedicated to “getting to know you” activities.  In a couple of weeks we will begin Second Step guidance lessons.  This is the guidance curriculum that we use in the elementary school K-5th grade. This program is designed to help students think about, develop and practice positive social skills.  Research shows that children who learn and use these skills are more likely to get along with others and do better in school.  Throughout the course of the year, students will learn about skills for learning, empathy and understanding feelings, how to use problem-solving skills, and how to manage strong emotions such as anger or fear. 

Throughout the year I will be updating you on general areas of social and emotional learning but also on specific skills that you can help support at home.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Dana Purpura
CAC School Counselor

Important Dates

  1. Parent / Teacher day - August 27 (No school for students)
  2. First House Event - Tuesday, August 29
  3. Eid El Adha holiday - August 31 - September 4
  4. ASA Session 1 begins - September 5
  5. Sunday Schedule - Wednesday, September 6
If you have any questions or feedback for the first grade team please don't hesitate to contact us.

Your Partners in Learning
Taryn Carr (
Gaby Morales (
Charlie Saunders (

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